लघुकथा : श्री ३ को फरमान ।
मदन पराजुली
पशुपति दर्शनका लागि श्री ३ महाराजाको बग्गी गौशाला अगाडि पुगेर रोकिएको थियो । लगत्तै केही मोटर गाडीहरु पनि पुगे । राजखानदानको ठूलै लर्को अगाडि बढ्यो । सिपाहीहरुले मूलबाटो खाली गराइसकेका थिए । बाटोको दायाँबायाँबाट जयजयकारका नारा लाग्दै थिए ।
" छि : ! , छि; ! , खित ! , घुं ...क ! " आदि स्वर सुनिए ! सवारी भित्रैबाट । बाटो छेउ नागाबाबाहरुको लर्को खडा थियो । रानीसाहेव , सुसारेहरु नाकमुख छोपेर हिड्दै थिए । श्री ३ को निधारमा गांठो पर्यो । रोकिएर आदेश भयो " सम्पूर्ण नागाबाबाहरुलाइ भोलि सांझ दरवारमा भोजनको लागि निमन्त्रणा दिनु !"
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" सबै केटीहरुले गलाखुलेको ब्लाउज र नाइलनको पेटीकोट मात्र लगाउने र नागाबाबाहरुलाइ भोजन टक्र्याउने !" नागाबाबाहरु भोजनको लागि खलंगामा लहर बस्नु अगावै श्री ३ को आदेश भएको थियो ।
लाल ब्लाउज र लाल पेटीकोट्मा शर्मले लाल कपोल भएका बालाहरुले लहरमा बसेका बाबाजीहरुलाइ निहुरेर भोजन पस्किन थाले । कपडा नै यस्तो थियो ! सबै अंग बाहिरबाट छर्लङ्ग देखिन्थ्यो । रूपरंङ्गले सक्षात परीहरुमाथी आँखा पर्ने बित्तिकै बाबाजीका आँखा जहाँ पर्यो त्यहिं टासिंएको टासिएकै भए । अधिकांसको दमित पौरुषत्व जागृत भएर आयो । केही नागाबाबाजीले यो नाटक मंचनबाट आँखा बन्दगरेर आफ्नो धर्मको रक्षा गरे भने दर्जन जति बाबाजी अबिचलित पनि थिए ।
श्री ३ महाराज पक्का घोडचढीको पोशाकमा हातमा छडी लिएर उभिएका थिए । जो जो नागाबाबाहरु उन्मत्त भैरव अवतार ग्रहण गरेका थिए , उनिहरुको नाङ्गो पिठ्युंमा महाराजको छडी वर्षन थाल्यो । महाराजको छडीको मार परिसकेका बावाहरुलाइ सिपाहीहरु घिसार्दै लगेर पटाङ्गिनीमा उभ्याउदै थिए । लगभग खलङ्गा रित्तो भयो । असली बाबा जति बाकी थिए सबैलाइ निर्भयता पूर्वक भोजन ग्रहण गर्न अनुरोध गरेर खजान्चीलाइ दक्षिणाको प्रवन्ध गर्न आदेश भयो ।
" भोलीको सूर्योदय हुनु अगाडि पटाङ्गिनीमा रहेका सबै नागाबाबाहरुलाइ थानकोट भञ्ज्याङ् कटाइ दिनु ! " यो फरमान सगै महाराजको खोपी तर्फ फिर्ती सवारी भयो ।
"लघुकथा/ अबको समाजशास्त्र"
जीवन दाहाल
मेरो अमेरिकन साथी गेरी सेफर्ड हस्याङ्ग फस्याङ्ग गर्दै मेरो घरमा आइपुग्यो र भन्यो-"मिष्टर ड्याहल हाउ आर यु ?"
"यस्तो कृटिकल समयमा तिमी कसरी आइपुग्यौ मेरो घरमा ?"- मैले अलिकति प्रश्नमा रोष पुट गरेर भनें । किन भनें पहिलो कुरा यस्तो कुसमयमा उ आएको मलाई मन परेको थिएन र दोश्रो उसलाई किन आएको भनेर म छुच्च्याईं गरि उसको मन दुखाइहाल्न पनि चाहन्न थिएँ ।
"डोन्ट वोरी म्यान् डोन्ट वोरी, बि रिल्याक्स । म एकदम सुरक्षित छु । डाक्टरको सुझाव पूर्ण पालना गरेर बसेको । तर म भोलि अमारिका/ मेरो देश फर्कदै छु मेरो देशले मलाई लिन चार्टर प्लेन पठाएकोले अनि म तिमीसँग विदा हुन आएको"-उसले एकै सासमा आफ्नो भनाइ टुङ्ग्यायो।
मैले ए ! मात्र गर्न सकेछु । अनि उसले मलाई झकझ्क्याउँदै भन्यो-"के सोची रहेका छौ म्यान ?"
"कालापानी, लिपुलेक र लिम्पियाधुरा । आफ्नो भएर पनि आफ्नो भन्न नपाइने र कोरोना, अहिले अरु सोच्ने बिषय नै के छ्न् र !"
"ह्याss, यो पनि कुनै चिन्ताको बिषय हो ? राम्रो हुन लागेकोछ; छेउमा सशक्त सत्रु नभै कसैको प्रगति हुँदैन"-उसले दर्शन/उपदेश छाँट्यो
"तिमी भन्छौ नि, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मान्यता बिपरित ट्रकका ट्रक कोरोनाका बिरामी नेपालको बोर्डरमा ल्याएर छोड्दै छ, र दिनदिनै नेपाली भूमि मिचेर हाम्रो हुर्मत लिइरहेको छ भन्ने लाग्दैन र ! तिमिलाई ?"-मैले फेरि रोष पुट गरें मेरो भनाइमा ।
"के को हुर्मत लिनु नि ? बरु अब समाजशास्त्रमा अर्को बिशेषता वा परिचय चैं थपिने भो त"-उ यथावत रह्यो ।
"के थपिने भो र !"
"मान्छेहरुमा सबैभन्दा छुद्रमान्छे आर्य, आर्यहरुमा इण्डियन र इण्डियनहरुमा पनि भाजपाका हनुमान ।"-उसले फेरि ठट्टा गर्यो ।
गौरादह-७, झापा ।
***लघु कथा-" कर्जा "
***रमेश मोहन भट्टराई
जोत्न बिसाएर खाजा खाँदै गरेको बलेलाई बिनोदले सोध्यो-"भन्त जेठा तैंले हाम्रोमा हली काम गरेको कति भयो"?
बिनोद मुखियाको छोरो।
बलेले मकैको पिठोको भुङ्ग्रेरोटीको टुक्रा मुखमा राख्दै भन्यो-" तपाई मुखिया तपाईलाईनै थाहा होलानि"।
"मलाई के थाहा चार बर्षको उमेरमा मावल पढ्न गएको १५ बर्ष पछी घर आउँदै छु, आएको पनि ५/६ दिन मात्रै त भयो" बिनोदले आफ्नो अज्ञानता जनायो।
"किन सोध्नु भयो सानु मुखिया हली कामबाट मुक्ति दिन लाग्नु भयो कि क्या हो"?-बलेको अनुहारमा हल्का चमक देखियो।
"भन् न भन् कति बर्ष भयो"?-बिनोदले ढिपि गरो।
"भयो होला दुई तीन सय बर्ष "-बलेले रोटीको सितन् मुलाको पाङलाङ् टोक्तै भन्यो।
"आ...ठट्टा नगर्न जेठा मैले साँच्चै पो सोधेको त।"-बिनोद केही झर्क्यो " मेरै उमेरको होलास् १७/१८बर्षको"।कसरी यतिका बर्ष भयो"?
"साँच्चै त भन्दै छु सानु मुखिया मेरा बाले भनेका मेरा बाका बाका बाका बेलादेखि हामी तपाईहरुकोमा हली काम गर्दै आएकोरे"-बलेले रोटी चबाउँदै भन्यो।
"पुस्तैनी एउटै काम एउटै परिबारमा! तिमी हरुलाई अरु काम गर्न मन लाग्दैन"?-बिनोदले आशार्य ब्यक्त गरो।
"मन्त लाग्छ नि !यहाँबाट उम्कन पाएन हो "-बलेले पानीको एक घुट्को पियो।
"किन उम्कन नपाउने"?- बिनोदले आशार्य प्रकट गरो।
"ऋण तिर्न नसकेर "-चबाएको रोटी निल्दै बलेले भन्यो -"मेरा बाका बाका बाका बाले तपाईका बाका बाका बाका बासंग ऋण लिएका थिएरे तेही ऋण तिर्न नसकेर ऐलेसम्म तपाईहरुका खेत बारी जोती राखेकाछौं-मेरा बाले भनेका।"
बिनोदले सोध्यो-"कति छ ऋण"?
"मलाई केथाहा"-बलेले रोटीको अन्तिम टुक्रा मुखमा राख्दै भन्यो।
" कस्लाई थाहा छत "?-बिनोदले सोध्यो।
बाँकि रहेको एक टुक्रा पाङलाङ मुखमा राख्दै बलेले भन्यो-" मेरा बालाई पनि थाहा छैन तपाईका बालाई पनि थाहा छैन -मेरा बाले भनेको-यो कसैलाई पनि थाहा छैन।तर कर्जा छ"।
"यस्तो कुरामा बिस्वास गर्र्ने हो त?"बिनोदले शंका ब्यक्त गरो ।
"बाले भनेपछि बिश्वास गर्नै परो" बलेले दृड श्वरमा भन्न्यो।
त्यहाँ सन्नाटा छायो।
बलेले खाली टपरी बारीको डिलमुनि हुत्त्यायो ।बारीको डिलमा चर्दै गरेका गोरूलई जुवामा नारो।अनौं समायो। जोत्न थाल्यो।
Short story: Shri 3's order.
Madan Parajuli
Shri 3 Maharaja's buggy stopped in front of Gaushala for Pashupati Darshan. Soon some motor vehicles arrived. The great larco of the dynasty moved forward. The soldiers had cleared the main road. Cheers were coming from the left and right side of the road.
"Chi:!, Chi;!, Khit !, Ghun ... A!" Etc. Listen to the voice! From inside the vehicle. On the side of the road stood the larvae of the Naga Babas. Ranisaheb, the nurses were walking with their noses covered. There was a lump on Mr. 3's forehead. Stopped and ordered "Invite all Naga Babas to dinner at the palace tomorrow evening!"
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"All the girls should only wear loose-fitting blouses and nylon petticoats and give the Nagas a meal!" His Majesty's order was given before the Naga Babas lined up in Khalanga for food.
In a red blouse and red petticoat, the embarrassed red-haired hawks bowed to the Babaji sitting in the wave and began to pass the food. The clothes were like that! All the limbs were clearly visible from the outside. As soon as Babarang's eyes fell on the fairies, Rupaji's eyes fell on him. The repressed masculinity of most came to life. Some Nagababajis blindly defended their religion by staging this play, while about a dozen Bababajis remained unmoved.
Shri 3 Maharaj was standing in a firm horse riding suit with a stick in his hand. The Naga Babas who had assumed the incarnation of the frantic Bhairav, the Maharaj's stick began to rain on their bare backs. The soldiers were dragging the fathers who had been beaten by the Maharaja's stick to Patangini. The barn was almost empty. The treasurer was ordered to manage the Dakshina by requesting all the rest of the real Baba to eat without fear.
"Before tomorrow's sunrise, cut off the Thankot Bhanjyang to all the Naga Babas in Patangini!"
"Short Stories / Sociology Now"
Jeevan Dahal
My American friend Gary Shepherd came to my house laughing and said, "Mr. Dahl, how are you?"
"How did you get to my house at such a critical time?" I asked angrily. Because I didn't like the fact that he came at such a bad time, and I didn't want to hurt him by touching the second reason.
"Don't worry, don't worry, I'm relaxed. I'm very safe. I followed the doctor's advice. But I'm going back to the United States / my country tomorrow because my country sent me a charter plane to pick me up and I came to say goodbye to you." The statement ended.
I ah! I could only do that. And he whispered to me, "What are you thinking, man?"
"Kalapani, Lipulek and Limpiyadhura. You can't say your own, Corona, what else is there to think about now?"
"Hey, is this also a matter of concern? It's getting better; no one can progress without a strong enemy on the side" - he sorted out the philosophy / teaching.
"You say that contrary to the international norms, the truckloads of Corona patients are being brought to the border of Nepal and released, and you don't think that they are taking our honor by encroaching on Nepali land every day! You?" - I expressed my anger again.
"Who cares? Instead, another feature or introduction will be added to the sociology," he said.
"What's more!"
"The most petty man among the people is Arya, among the Aryans is the Indian and among the Indians is Hanuman of the BJP," he joked again.
Gauradaha-7, Jhapa.
*** Short story - "Debt"
*** Ramesh Mohan Bhattarai
Binod asked Bale, who was having lunch after plowing, "How much have you done for us, the eldest?"
Son of Binod Mukhiya.
Bale put a piece of cornbread in his mouth and said, "You must know yourself, chief."
"What I do know is that I am coming home after 15 years of studying Mawal at the age of four. It has only been 5/6 days since I came here," Binod said, expressing his ignorance.
"Why did you ask Sanu Mukhiya Hali to get rid of his work?" - There was a light glow on Bale's face.
"How many years have passed since you said that?" Binod insisted.
"It must have been two or three hundred years," said Bale, biting the bread.
"Come on ... eldest, I really asked you not to joke." - Binod jerked a little "I must be 17/18 years old". How come so many years "?
"I'm really saying, Sanu Mukhiya, my father-in-law, my father-in-law, we have been working hard for you since time immemorial," said Bale, chewing bread.
"Hereditary work in the same family! You don't like to do other work"? - Binod expressed hope.
"I can't believe it! I couldn't escape from here" - Bale drank a sip of water.
"Why can't you escape"? - Binod expressed hope.
"Unable to repay the loan," said Bale, swallowing the chewed bread.
Binod asked, "How much is the debt?"
"Let me tell you," said Bale, putting the last piece of bread in his mouth.
"Who knows?" Binod asked.
Putting the rest of the piece in Panglang's mouth, Bale said, "I don't even know your hair. Your hair doesn't know either. My hair said, 'No one knows. But there is debt.'
"Do you believe in such a thing?" Binod expressed doubts.
"You have to believe what Bale says," Bale said firmly.
There was silence.
Bale threw an empty pot under the dill of the bari. The oxen grazing in the dill of the bari shouted at the gambler. He started plowing.
Good story