लघुकथा – दिन
– श्रीराम राई
– जे परे पनि नरिसाउनस् । जोडी भाँडिए दशा लाग्छ
– मन पराएर कुरा राख्नुभयो । मैले पनि नाइँ भन्न सकिन । अहिले किन यस्तो गर्नुहुन्छ ?
– सम्धीसम्धिनी हुने दिन नजिकिँदै छ । अलिक होसको दबाई खानुस् है
– मान्छेको सयौं शत्रु, सयौं मित्रु हुन्छन् । दुनियाँको खाइस हुनु हुँदैन ।
– बरु थेग्न सक्नु हुन्न भने परै रमाउनुस् । घरै बस्नुपर्छ भन्दिनँ म ।
सिइपाबाट अनुरोध ओइरिन्थे ।
– छोरा मान्छे भनेका पित्ले भाँडा हुन्, जति मस्कायो उति चम्किने ।
– तीजमा झैं सधैं मन दुखाएर के गर्नु ? बरु, चूपचाप बसे बेस ।
– खान पाकै छ, लाउन पाकै छ । यति भए के चाहियो ?
घबुअ श्रीमतीको वचन भुइँमा खस्न दिँदैन थिए ।
साँढेझै मनपरी गर्ने क्रममा घबुअ जेलमा जाकिए । मुद्दामामिलामा फसे अनि सडकमा खसे ।
अचेल घबुअ बर्बराउँदै छ, ‘घरमा ढंगकी छोरी मान्छे नभएपछि यस्तै हुँदो रैछ । पहिले इमानको घरमा मुसा रुन्थ्यो । अहिले कैको दुख छैन । लच्छिनकी श्रीमती परिछ । मेरी त मुखाले छे । यही भएर भुइँमा न भाँडामा भइयो ।’
– २०७३ साउन ४, देवीनगर, काठमाडौं
वनमाली निराकार
बूढी आमा पिंढीमा बसेर तरकारी बनाई रहेकी थिइन् । तीन चार जना छिमेकी आँगनमा देखा परे । बूढीआमा आँखाले राम्रै देखे पनि कानले रम्ररी सुन्दिनन् । त्यसैले मान्छेले भनेका कुरा खण्ड खण्डमा सुन्थिन् र खण्ड मै बुझ्थिन् । यति सबेरै आफ्नो आँगनमा आइपुगेका छिमेकीहरु तर्फ किन आएका हुन भन्ने आशयको प्रश्नवाचक दृष्टिले हेरिन् ।
त्यहाँ आएका मध्ये अलि पाको जस्तो देखिने मान्छे अघि सरेर भन्यो, 'आमै, सदरमुकाम जानु पर्ने भयो हजुरको छोराको बाकस बुझ्न ।'
दाहिने हातले दाहिने कानलाई छेके जस्तो गरी भनिन् , 'छोराको बाकस ? '
'हजुर ' पूर्ववक्ताले यत्ति भन्यो ।
त्यस पछि केही नबोली बूढी आमा तरकारीको भाँडो उठाइन र भित्र पसिन् । र केही बेरमा सदरमुकाम जान तैयार भएर निस्किन ।
जिल्ला प्रशासन कार्यालयको परिसरमा चारैतिर एक प्रकारको स्तब्धताथियो । त्यहाँ केही मान्छेत थिए ती पनि चुपचाप थिए । अचानक एउटा कुनाबाट पाँच छ वर्षको केटो 'हजुरआमा' भन्दै निस्कियो र बूढीआमासँग टाँसियो । बूढीआमाले पनि 'मेरो नाति' भनेर अँगालोले बाँधिन् । केटाको पछि पछि रुँदारुँदा थाकेका आँखा र गलित शरीर लिएर एउटी युवती बुढीआमा छेउ आएर उभिई । बूढीआमाले एक नजर बुहारीलाई हेरिन् र नातिलाई माया गर्नमा नै व्यस्त भईन् । युवती सासुलाई अंगालेर बेसरी रुन चाहन्थिन् तर सकिनन् । लोग्ने वैदेशिक गोजगारका लागि विदेशिए पछि सासुलाई एक्लै गाऊँमा छाडेर छोरा पढाउने बहानामा सहर बस्न थालेकी हो । गाऊँ छाड्ने बेलामा सानो बालकले हजुरआमालाई पनि सँगै लिएर जाऊँ भनी जिद्दी गरेकै हो ता पनि उसले छोरालाई लगभग तान्दै घिसार्दै सहरतिर लागेकी हो । आज अचानक सासुसँग यस्तो अवस्थामा भेट्नु पर्ला सोचेकै थिइन । त्यसैले सासुसँग अँगालो मारेर निर्धक्क रुन सक्दिन । यस्तो अवस्थामा सासु बुहारी बीच कुनै सम्वाद हुने कुरै भएन ।
बुहारीले गाऊँबाट आमालाई लिएर आउने छिमेकीसँगकुरा गर्न लागी - 'काठमाण्डुबाट लास जिल्ला पठाइदिने खबर पाए पछि म यही बसें । लास बुझ्न जाँदा - परिवारमा को को हुनुहुन्छ ? तपाईं मृतकको को हो ? आदि प्रश्न सोधियो। गाऊँमा आमा हुनुहुन्छ भने पछि लास बुझ्न आमालाई लिएर आउनू - भने त्यसैले तपाईँहरुलाई दु:ख दिएकी हूँ ।'
'दु:खको के कुरा ? यस्तै बेला न हो छिमेकी चाहिने ! बरु औपचारिक काम सकौं पहिले' बूढी आमालाई लिएर आउनेहरुले भने ।
सबै कार्यालय भित्र पसे । आवश्यक कागजपत्रमा सासुबुहारीको ल्याप्चे सहीछाप लगाएपछि चारजना सिपाहीले लास भएको बाकस मोटरमा चढाई दिए ।
बूढीआमालाई पनि सबै मिलेर मोटरमा चढाए अनि सबै चढे । मोटर हिंड्नै लागेको बेला बुढआमाले हर्ष मिश्रित स्वरमा भनिन् - 'मेरो छोरो पहिले देखिनै पौरखी नै हो । खूब मिहिनेती थियो । सँधै भन्ने गर्थ्यो-आमा, तिमीलाई कुनै अभाव हुन दिने छैन , नभन्दै यी आज यति ठूलो 'बाकस' पठाएछ !'
लघुकथा :- जुठो डो र लाज
तिलक तारामी “रेशाली”
“अहॅं, मैले त्यो अरूले खाएको जुठो भाॅंडो माझ्ने काम गर्दिन्।”कालेले आफ्नो बाउसंग भन्यो।
“पढ्ने बेलामा गुच्चा खेलिस्। अब जुठो भाॅंडा नमाझेर के गर्छस् त? फेरि यो त आफ्नै पसल हो! मैले यही चिया नास्ता बेचेर तिमीहरूलाई हुर्काए।”
“साथीहरूको अगाडि कस्तो लाज लाग्छ! म त यो काम गर्दिन् है बाउ। म त विदेश जाने हो।”
“चोरी खान पो भएन्, गरी खान के को लाज?” तिमीहरू जस्ता हुतिहाराले गर्दा हो-यो देश पछि परेको !” कालेको बाउले भन्यो।
आफ्नो घरखेत बन्धकी राखेर ऊ विदेश उड्यो। एउटा कम्पनिमा सुरक्षा गार्डको राम्रो जागिर लगाई दिन्छु भनेको दलाल उनिहरूलाई होटेलमा छाडेर बेपत्ता भयो। यताउता भौंतारिदा भौंतारिदै उसले गाउॅंको आफ्नै साथी रत्नेलाई भेट्यो।
“ए, रत्ने ! रत्ने !!” खुशी हुॅंदै बोलायो।
“ओहो! कालु तॅं यहाॅं? कैले आइस् यार?
“एक हप्ता भो यार। दलालले बर्वाद पार्यो।” भन्दै बेलिबिस्तार लगायो।
“मलाई पनि जागिर खोज्दे न है।” उसले आग्रह गर्यो।
“ हुन्छ, म कोशिस गर्छु नि।” भन्दै ऊ आफ्नो बाटो लाग्यो।
पर्सिपल्ट कालेको मोबाइलको घण्टी बज्यो। रत्नेको कल रहेछ। हतपत अन गरेर बोल्यो, “हेल्लो !”
उताबाट आवाज आयो, “हेल्लो ! म रत्ने बोलेको।”
“अँ अँ, चिने। मैले भनेको कुरा भयो त?”
“ए मैले मेरो बोससंग कुरा गरें। हुन्छ बोलाउ भनेको छ।” भन्दै आफूले काम गर्ने होटलमा बोलायो। त्यहाॅं उसले वेटरको काम गर्थ्यो।
“ हुन्छ हुन्छ, म अहिले नै आइहाल्छु है।” भन्दै फोन राख्यो।
ऊ ट्याक्सी चढेर रत्नेले काम गर्ने होटलमा पुग्यो। रत्नेले आफ्नो बोससंग भेट गरायो। कालेले अभिवादन गर्दै सोध्यो, “मेरो काम?”
बोसले रत्नेलाई इसारा गर्यो। रत्नेले कालुलाई उसको काम देखाउन लग्यो। त्यहाॅं जुठा भाॅंडाहरूको पहाडले कालुलाई पर्खिरहेको थियो। कालु जिल्ल परेर जुठा भाॅंडाहरू हेर्दै बाउको बचन सम्झियो, “चोरी खान पो भएन, गरी खान के को लाज?”
११ जेठ,२०७७
बुटवल-११, रुपन्देही।
लघुकथा : हनिमुन
- विनाेद नेपाल
'याे पाराले त जिन्दगी चल्ला जस्ताे छैन है बुढी' 'एक दिन काम गर्यो, दुई दिन बस्याे । पेट धान्नै पाे गाह्रो हुने भाे अब '- उसले पत्नीलाई भन्याे ।
'विकल्प नखाेजी नहाेला जस्ताे छ ' 'अहिले पाे दुई जना मात्रै छाैं, विस्तारै खाने मुख पनि बढ्लान् ' - उसले भनी ।
'जे भयाे भयाे, जाउँ भाे गाउँतिरै, उता भएकाे खेत बारि बाँझिने , यता भाेकभाेकै परिने अवस्था ' आखिर आफ्नै घर, आफ्नै बा आमा न हुन्, के नै पाे भनिहाल्लान् र ?' - उसले भन्यो ।
'लाै आँट्छाै भने जाउँ, अर्काकाे आस गर्नुभन्दा आफ्नै काम गर्नु वेश' - पत्नीले भनी ।
भाेलीपल्ट विहानै उनीहरू गाउँ तिर लागे । झमक्क साँझ पर्दा आँगनमा टेके ।
पिंढीमा बसेर गन्थन गरिरहेका बाबू आमा उनीहरुलाई देखेर खुसी हुँदै एकैसाथ बाेले 'लाै हेर यिनीहरु पाे आईपुगेछन् । अलि उज्यालैमा आउनु नि ' ।
'अनि किन फर्केका त आउनै पर्दैन भनेजसरी सुटुक्क भागेका मान्छे ? हामीलाई भनेको भए यहीँ भित्र्याईहाल्थ्याैं नि हाम्ले, यसरी भागेर हिंड्नुपर्थ्याे त?' ' समय अनुसार चल्नुपर्छ , आखिर मान्छे मान्छे सबै एकै त हाे, हामीलाई थाहा छैन र ?'
'भित्र्याउनुहुन्न भनेर भागेको कहाँ हाे र हामी त हनिमुन मनाउन पाे गएका थियौँ ' 'उसले भन्यो । पत्नीले चाहिँ लाजले मुन्टाे निहुराई ।
Short story - day
- Shri Ram Rai
- Don't get angry anyway. If the couple breaks up, it will be difficult
- You liked talking. I couldn't even say no. Why do you do that now
- The day of Samdhi Samdhini is approaching. Take some medicine
- People have hundreds of enemies, hundreds of friends. The world should not be empty.
- Instead, if you can't afford it, enjoy it. I don't say stay at home.
Requests were received from SIPA.
- Son of man is a brass vessel, the more you smile, the brighter it becomes.
- What to do when Teej is always in pain? Instead, the base settled quietly.
- The food is ready, the clothes are ready. So what do you need
Ghabua would not let his wife's words fall to the ground.
Ghabua went to jail while doing whatever he wanted. He got involved in a case and fell on the road.
Nowadays, Ghabua is blabbering on like this, ‘This is what happens when there is no beautiful daughter at home. Earlier, mice used to cry in Iman's house. Kai is not sad now. Lachchin's wife falls. I have a mouth. That's why it was not on the floor or on the floor. '
- 4 August 2073, Devinagar, Kathmandu
The box
banamali nirakar
The old mother was sitting on the floor making vegetables. Three or four neighbors appeared in the courtyard. The old woman could see well but could not hear well. So she listened intently to what people were saying. She looked questioningly at the neighbors who had come to her yard so early.
Some of the people who looked like a mature man moved forward and said, 'I have to go to the district headquarters to understand your son's box.'
She said as if her right hand had blocked her right ear, 'Son's box? '
That's what the former speaker said.
Then, without saying a word, the old woman picked up the pot of vegetables and went inside. And after a while, she left ready to go to the district headquarters.
There was a kind of shock around the premises of the district administration office. There were some people who were also silent. Suddenly a five or six year old boy came out of a corner saying 'Grandma' and clung to the old woman. The old woman also hugged him saying 'my grandson'. Crying behind the boy, a young woman with tired eyes and ugly body came and stood beside the old woman. The old woman looked at her daughter-in-law and fell in love with her grandson. She wanted to hug her mother-in-law and cry, but she could not. After her husband went abroad for foreign employment, she left her mother-in-law alone in the village and started living in the city under the pretext of educating her son. While leaving the village, the little boy insisted on taking his grandmother with him, but she almost dragged her son to the city. I didn't think I would meet my mother-in-law in such a situation today. So she can't cry confidently by hugging her mother-in-law. In such a situation, there was no communication between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.
The daughter-in-law started talking to the neighbor who brought her mother from the village - 'I stayed here after getting the news that the body would be sent to the district from Kathmandu. Going to understand the corpse - who is in the family? Who are you deceased Etc. questions were asked. If you are a mother in the village, bring your mother to understand the body later - that is why I have given you sorrow. '
'What's the matter with grief? This is not the time to need a neighbor! Instead, let's do formal work first, 'said those who brought the old mother.
All entered the office. After signing the mother-in-law's lapch on the required documents, the four soldiers climbed into the car with the box containing the body.
The old woman was also put in the car by everyone and everyone got on. As the car started to move, the old woman said in a mixed voice of joy - 'My son is already a patriarch. It was very difficult. I always used to say, "Mom, I will not let you be deprived of anything, not to mention that they have sent such a big 'box' today!"
Short story: - False vessel and shame
Tilak Tarami "Reshali"
"No, I don't wash the dishes that others eat," said Kale with his bow.
"You played a bunch while reading. Now what do you do without washing the dishes? Again, this is your own shop! I sold this tea for breakfast and raised you. ”
“What a shame in front of friends! I do this work, father. I want to go abroad. ”
"Who is ashamed to steal?" Because of the Huthihara like you - this country is lagging behind! ” Black's father said.
He flew abroad with his home farm as collateral. I got a good job as a security guard in a company and the broker left them at the hotel and disappeared. While wandering around, he met his own friend Ratne from the village.
“Ah, Ratne! Gems !! ” He called happily.
“Oh! Kalu are you here? Why are you here
"One week, man. The broker wasted it. ” Saying that, he stretched out.
"I'm not even looking for a job." He urged.
"Okay, I'll try." He went on his way.
Percivalt's mobile phone rang. It was Ratne's call. Turning on, he said, "Hello!"
A voice came from above, “Hello! I said gems. ”
"Ah, ah, know. What did I say? ”
"I talked to my boss. Yes, it is called. ” He called me to the hotel where he works. There he worked as a waiter.
"Okay, I'll be right back." He hung up the phone.
He took a taxi to the hotel where Ratne worked. Ratne met his boss. Kale greeted me and asked, "My job?"
Bose gestured to Ratne. Ratne went to show Kalu his work. There, a mountain of false vessels was waiting for Kalu. Looking at the empty utensils in Kalu district, he remembered his father's words,
June 11, 2077
Butwal-11, Rupendehi.
Short story: Honeymoon
- Vinayed Nepal
"It's not like life goes on because of this mercury, old lady." I worked one day and stayed for two days. It will be difficult to support myself now '- he told his wife.
"It's like not looking for alternatives," he said. "There are only two of them now.
"Whatever happens, let's go to the village, the fields there will become barren, here and there we will be in a state of panic." - He said.
"Let's go if we can, let's do our own thing instead of expecting others," said the wife.
The next morning they went to the village. The twinkling of an eye fell on the courtyard in the evening.
Babu and Ama, who have been sitting on the floor for a long time, were happy to see them. Come on in, take a look.
'And why don't people who have run away secretly come back? If we had been told, we would have entered here, would we have had to run away like this? ' "We have to move according to time. After all, people are all the same, don't we?"
"We ran away because we didn't want to enter and we got to celebrate our honeymoon," he said. The wife bowed her head in shame.
Nice stories
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